JOY (Just Older Youth) Ministry

Are you looking to make new friends or reconnect with familiar faces? JOY is a group of believers in Jesus Christ who gather for support, fun, and faith-filled fellowship. We meet every Thursday at 11 am, starting with a light exercise routine for those interested in gentle stretching and health tips.

Afterward, enjoy a delicious homemade lunch prepared by our JOY volunteer cooks. Stick around for a variety of engaging activities like games, bingo, crafts, and more! We also give back to our community by partnering with other ministries at Westfield to volunteer and serve those in need.

A suggested $5 donation helps cover the cost of food and activity supplies.

If you're 50 or older, we’d love for you to join us!

Jessie Yauch: jessieyauch@gmail.com


Food Warriors

One of the ways we serve our community is through Food Warriors. Once a month, we pick up boxes of food from the Food Bank, organize an assembly line, and pack it into bags. Mohawk School District picks up the nearly 500 bags and distributes them.

Jennifer Griffith: 405.824.8992


Prayer Team

Prayer Team meets on Wednesdays from 11:00am – 11:30am. All are welcome to attend this time where we focus on prayer for our church and church family, our community, and our schools.

Phyllis McCullough: 724.651.6285


Helping Hands

If you or a family member needs help with repairs, painting, or other minor jobs, Helping Hands is a ministry set up to meet your needs. Our enthusiastic volunteer team is ready for action. Contact the church office for information about how to apply for assistance or to volunteer.

Westfield Church: 724.667.7045


Chancel Choir

The music we create is a beautiful offering to God. Singers are welcome to join us on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm for rehearsal.



Worship Team

The Westfield Worship Team meets every Wednesday evening at 7 pm and Sunday morning at 9 am for rehearsal. If you are a musician or vocalist and would like to help lead worship on Sunday, please contact Asher Silvey: SilveyAH@outlook.com.


Mat Makers

We would love to have you join this fun group that turns donated plastic bags into sleeping mats for the homeless. It takes between 700 and 800 bags to crochet a mat 6 feet by 3 feet. From 6-8 pm on Wednesday evenings you can relax as you help flatten, fold, cut, tie or crochet.

Westfield Church: 724.667.7045