Westfield Together
Keeping Current
Weekly Update
By Pastor Bobby
In the novel, Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, Sam Gamgee asks the question, "Is everything sad going to come untrue?" The author, JRR Tolkien actually captures something quite profound in that question. We all long for the wrong things in this world to be undone. We all carry with us burdens, hurts, and even the weight of sin. Tolkien was a Christian and believed that God will do something, which is why the novel asks the question.
And, this Sunday, we will be looking at what God's plan for the world is as we explore the doctrine of the New Creation. We will see that Christians can have hope in a better future because God promises to undo what is wrong. He promises to take care of sin, death, and disease. He promises a beautiful new heaven and new earth where He dwells with his people forever.
That is a profound promise as we go through life possibly asking when our own sadnesses will end. God's got this from beginning to end because He is the Alpha and Omega. Hope to see you Sunday.